So anyway, you may ask yourself how did I end up back in braids if I was so over them? Well, as you may know by now, I am natural, and my natural hair is extremely tough. It is no joke. Long story short, I needed a break. I decided it was time to go back to #teamboxbraids. And let me tell you, I am loving it. No stress in the mornings. I literally get up, throw some gel on these edges and keep it moving. It is the best feeling ever. I think I am going to be #teamboxbraids for a little while. Although, I do miss playing around with my curls.
The pictures below are of me today with my box braids. They have been in for exactly one month now. I am planning to keep them in for another couple of weeks. The way I take care of them is by keeping them mositurized with Cantu Shea Butter Coconut milk shine and hold mist. This is something that I already use daily on my natural hair to moisturize it so my hair is already familiar with it. It is a great product and it doesn't hurt that it smells great. I honestly don't need to use it daily because it works so well that the shine and moisture usually lasts a couple days. I also use the one and only eco styler gel on my edges. I use the olive oil eco styler gel but i've heard a lot of great things about the other ones too. Aside from that all I do is oil my scalp every now and again. Oh, and most important remember to WRAP YOUR HAIR. I don't go to bed without wrapping my braids up. This means even if I'm just going to take a nap.
Anyway, enjoy :)
Hope you all enjoyed this post. Feel free to comment below! And if you have other inquiries feel free to shoot me a message in the "Talk To Jo" message box!
"When I first moved to New York and I was totally broke, sometimes I would buy Vogue instead of dinner. I felt it fed me more" - Carrie Bradshaw