Look around you and stop to think for a minute. What kind of friends do you keep in your circle. Do you have the type of friends who tell you the truth/keep it real with you or do you have a bunch of yes men. One of the most important qualities I look for in my friendships is someone who can keep it all the way real with me. This means being able to tell me if my hair isn't aight, my outfit ain't tight, and my man aint right! If you look around you and you have a bunch of friends who have never checked you, those are not your friends. This doesn't mean that they need to be snapping on you left and right or constantly putting you down. In the midst of all the fake friends and acquaintances we have, we should have at least one friend who you know won't have you out there looking a fool. We all need that friend who will be up front with us and tell us if we are in a bad relationship or if they think we are going about a certain situation the wrong way. This doesn't mean that you will always take the advice that they are giving you but the honesty proves a lot about how they feel about you. Good friends do not sit back quietly and watch their 'friend' make bad decisions without saying anything. And if your friend gives you advice that you don't take and you end up making a wrong decision. The true test of that friendship comes when they can do either of two things. 1) rub it in your face that they were right or 2) help you get back on your feet. I don't know about you but I keep a circle of friends that I know will help me get back up. All this being said, there is a very thin line between keeping it real with your friends and being a negative individual. Negativity is easy to spot. There usually is no substantial reasoning behind the feelings of a negative individual. They just feel the way they feel about things because ..... well because they feel like it (lol) NO SUBSTANCE! So, my point is take a look at your friends and ask yourself if they are real friends or disguised foes!
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