I know this post is so late but it still deserved a post! Can I get a shoutout for the Queen Bey who made such a bold move with her new hairdo! #TeamNaturalsStandUp. Hate her music or love her music and hate her or love her but you would be a fool if you tried to deny that this isn't a bold and significant move for Bey. Beyonce is constantly under public scrutiny so I believe making a move like this and doing what makes HER feel beautiful and not what the public/fans/critics define as beautiful is a bold move. For all of you out there who were hating and criticizing her decision to have this haircut you actually may learn something from her. How about you learn to be YOURSELF and not what others expect you to be. How about you form YOUR OWN opinions instead of trying so hard to follow the crowd. And how about you learn to realize that criticizing someone JUST for the purpose of being "different" isn't being "different" rather it is being ignorant because the basis of your criticism has no sense. If this is how Beyonce feels comfortable then shoutout to her for doing just that! Even if this is a temporary hair-do it doesn't matter. She did it and she loves it and that is all that matters. The moral of my story is don't be too busy criticizing someone who is doing something that makes them happy while you are sitting somewhere miserable in your shoes :) #FoodForThought
Hope you all enjoyed this post. Feel free to comment below! And if you have other inquiries feel free to shoot me a message in the "Talk To Jo" message box!
"When I first moved to New York and I was totally broke, sometimes I would buy Vogue instead of dinner. I felt it fed me more" - Carrie Bradshaw
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