Saturday, October 26, 2013

Stay On Top Of Your Game

Hey Everyone

This week I noticed that my time management skills were totally not in use. I was a little all over the place with my obligations and tasks this week. I then realized what the missing puzzle to my normally organized and put-together week was: My planner! This week I neglected to write down my "To Do List" into my planner. I totally operated on memory and although it didn't completely fail me, it still left me a little frazzled.

Here are some planners I have my eye on for the new year

House of DoLittle Express Weekly/Monthly Planner
Available on Amazon

Day-Time 2014 Pink Ribbon Pocket Monthly Planner
Available at Office Super Savers

Bloom Calendar Daily Planner
Available on Amazon

Let me tell you, I WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN. No matter how little of a task it may be, I write it down. This is mainly because I am the type of person who can get easily worked up when even the tiniest thing in my "organized life" goes haywire. I am sure most people have their own way of staying organized; however, if you don't, then I think you should give my way a try and stay on top of your game!

Another reason I love writing things down in my planner as opposed to memorizing my tasks or storing them in my iPhone is that I love the feeling of scratching a task off of my "To Do List." It is one of the most liberating feelings ever when I finish a task and get rid of it. Below is a picture of my actual planner. Take a look at how vigorously I scratch accomplished tasks off lol. I get THAT excited at the end of my day and see an entire list scratched away. It is definitely a source of motivation for me. 

Also, for the upcoming year, I am going to be adding a cork board to my bedroom wall. I saw something on Pinterest where a cork board is used as a motivational board as well as a method of keeping organized. Check out the cork board from Target that I have my eye on below. 
Cork Board
Available at Target

Hope you enjoyed this post! Feel free to comment and ask questions. If you have other inquiries you may also leave those in the "Talk To JO" box on the right hand side.



  1. Timely post! I'm so bad with using planners. I used to buy a planner every year and use it for maybe the first two months of the year and then forget about it. Of course that also lead to double booking and just not getting ish done. I will definitely consider revisiting the practice of writing down my to-do's to help with a more organized and productive life.

    1. Yaaay!! I'm so excited that this post helped! Planners are a life saver! You should definitely try it. I usually write my week out on sundays. Anything that is a recurring/monthly item on my list I fill out through the entire month on the first of that month. Last week I thought I could operate off of memory and I forgot a conference call and double booked on another day lol
