Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Girl With The Afro

As I am sure you all know by now,  my natural hair type is 4C. Below is the Naturally Curly definition 4C hair

I have really been enjoying my natural hair, but it was definitely time to get back into some braids. I had my hair re-braided the other day. My life at the moment is very hectic and very busy and braids are extremely convenient for this.

Something I have learned in this journey to natural is that the more you see results the more motivated you are to keep going. I hear of a lot of naturalistas talk about how they often have feelings of doubt and wanting to quit and revert back to getting perms because they feel like nothing is happening. Trust me when I say I also had the same feelings. Although I was loving my hair texture and its look, I was frustrated because I felt like it wasn't growing fast enough for me. However, the difference is that I didn't quit. I didn't give up. The other day, I was able to put my hair in a ponytail. Talk about progress right! Check out this mega puff I even achieved below! 

I would also like to apply this lesson to every day life. It is completely normal to have doubts in your abilities. We all have our insecurities. However, we should never let those thoughts of doubt hinder us from taking on life's challenges that we are faced with. The way I deal with doubt is by countering the thought. If my mind tells me "Joanna, you aren't good enough, you can't do that" I respond "Well, what's the worst that could happen." Don't be discouraged!

Hair Tips From The Girl With The Afro
- Only use a wide toothed comb when you are detangling your hair. It is much less damaging.
- Don't comb your hair when it is dry. Only detangle when wet!
- This may sound a little backwards, but brush your edges with a toothbrush. It helps you to catch   everything and it is much less damaging to your edges than a full out hair brush.

Feeling like Foxy Cleopatra 

Hope you enjoyed this post! Feel free to comment and ask questions. If you have other inquiries you may also leave those in the "Talk To JO" box on the right hand side.



  1. i'm 4c too!!! 4c luv! :D

  2. I'm 10 weeks into my transition and so far it's looking like a 4c. My goal is 12wks then I want to chop off my relaxed ends. Great advice on hair and life.

  3. 4C love for sure!!! People call it the worst type of natural hair but I like to call it the realest type!! :) @Lisa J

    Thank you @F.C Boujee! i'm so glad you relate to this post. keep on going through with your natural hair journey! the best is yet to come! :)
