Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stripes: Black and White

Hey Ladies!

So today I just want to send out a few words of encouragement to anybody out there who is going through anything or just needs that little boost. For some reason that somebody was me today. Does anyone else ever have those days where you just feel "bleh?" You really can't put your finger on why you feel the way you do but you know you just don't feel it today. Well, trust me you are so not alone. I most definitely can attest to the fact that I have those days. You wake up feeling energetic, enthusiastic, and positive about the day but then half way through the day something changes.

I don't know about you but I am the type of person that tends to worry a lot about the future and I get all in my head and stressed and overwhelmed. This is something that I am trying to change about myself. I am learning not to stress over things I cannot control. I was talking to my friend Angele a few weeks ago and we joked around about how we are the type of people who will have everything going great but that one thing we haven't quite figured out we will nit pick at it and spend all our energy trying to figure it out while ignoring those things that are going well.

Anyway, the point of this post is that I think everyone should find an outlet. That thing that they do that no matter what they feel like that day, doing that thing brings you joy. For me, that thing is fashion. When I get lost in my fashion magazines, or fashion blogs, or even trying on outfits, sometimes even window shopping all my thoughts become happy thoughts again. It is important that you find an outlet for yourself! It's almost like a world you go into that nothing can go wrong in.

Be encouraged today ladies!
Just decided to write this post on my way out. I was in a stripes kind of mood today.

Hope you enjoyed this post! Feel free to comment and ask questions. If you have other inquiries you may also leave those in the "Talk To JO" box on the right hand side.


"When I first moved to New York and I was totally broke, sometimes I would buy Vogue instead of dinner. I felt it fed me more" - Carrie Bradshaw

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